Thursday 11 September 2014

Liebster Award Nomination

I’m so very excited to be nominated by two people(!!) the lovely Katie from Annabella Whispers Photography and Emily from Emily's Vintage World for the Liebster Award!  The Liebster Award is given to promote a newer blog they think is worth following, and to learn a little more about fellow bloggers.  If you haven't visited Emily's & Katie's blogs yet, I'd highly recommend them, they are a lovely read.

Part of the Liebster award is that I have to answer some questions about myself and 'Just Lulibell', then pass the award along to a new set of bloggers I enjoy following. This is a great way to discover some new blogs and to support the community!
So let's get started..<3
What made you start blogging?
I have been extremely addicted to Instagram over the past 2 years, I love having my own little space to be creative and post pictures of anything i love. I thought that a blog would be an extension of this, and allow me to expand my creativity and share more of the things i love with people across the world. I spend a lot of my time reading through other people's blogs and decided it was finally time to begin my own. I would really like to possibly start a youtube channel too, i love the idea of it however it makes me rather nervous!
Who is your favorite blogger?
I have decided to choose 3 bloggers because I love them all for different reasons and they were a huge inspiration to me to create my own blog. 
Briar Rose - A fashion and style focused blog by a lovely girl named Megan. I can spend hours going through all her photos they are so lovely.
Essie Button - Stories of a Canadian girl living in London, I have also watched her YouTube videos for years and they are equally amazing.
Zoella - If you don't know who Zoe is then where have you been!! She is the most adorable person on the internet and has become increasingly more popular over this last year. Her YouTube videos brighten my day and she is most definitely my favourite Youtuber! 
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I think i'm more of a midday person..I tend to be the most productive between 10am and 2pm 
What is on your bucket list?
To travel more, I'd love to visit more places in America and go to the Caribbean <3
To live/work in London for a while

Are you a cat person or a dog person?
 100% Dog person..Especially Black labradors..they literally melt my heart every time I see one! We had 2 gorgeous black labs in our family called Puja and Zammy but sadly lost them and I miss them every single day <3 xXx
What is the last film you saw?

 The Hurricane (1999) with Denzel Washington (One of our many recent Netflix choices!)

What is the farthest place you have ever traveled?
Los Angeles, Bermuda and Kuwait are the furthest places from home
What's the best advice you have ever received?
 "How do you eat an elephant? A little at a time" - My mum
"Always say Yes until you have to say No" - My Dad
You can take three beauty products with you to a deserted island. What would you take?
Sun lotion 
Lip balm
A coconut scented body spray
What is your favourite kind of food?

The electricity goes off, what do you do?
Light the candles, find some chocolate to eat and avoid any ghost stories :) I literally cannot remember the last time the electricity went off though!!

Your favourite piece of clothing?
I think that would be my bright floral dress from Zara which i bought for my degree show back in 2011, I go through phases of it being able to fit me but it still remains one of my favourite dresses :) (P.s. How long is my hair!!)

Do you still have any of your teddy bears? 
Of course! Big Ted will always have a very secure place in my heart :) 

1991                                       2014

Super power that you would have?

Most probably the ability to turn back time, not to change anything just to relive the extra happy moments in my life

Book character that is most like you?

I don't really read a wide variety of books so this is a tough question for me!! 

Favourite colour (and why if you can?)

I don't have a specific favourite colour but I generally lean towards either pastel shades or something really bright. As a creative person, colour has always been a big influence to me and the way i think. Colour just makes me happy :)

What do you most like about yourself?

Possibly my creativity, i like that i can make a cake from scratch within a few minutes, i can make jewellery creations from ordinary pieces of paper and that i can always find something creative to keep me occupied :)
A huge thank you again to the lovely Katie & Emily 

Monday 8 September 2014

My Recent Upcycling Projects

If you have been reading my blog since I started, you will already know I have a keen interested in painting old bits and bobs and giving them a new lease of life. I have had a few projects on the go recently and have finally finished a few, so here are a new snaps I have to share with you all. 

Remember that gold chair I bought on Saturday at the car boot?...Well now its grey!! Hurrah!! 


The shelves in the background were my Dad's which I also painted as they were just plain wood before. It makes me smile to look at them every day :) 

My mum gave me these plain whites vases (which I think were in my 'weekend with my mum' blog post!) and I painted one pink and one yellow to match the cupboards we have our TV on. I added the grey gingham ribbon to finish them off.

Remember those wooden flowers I picked up?..well now I love them even more  painted in different colours :)

This chair was also one from my Dad's house, he had had it for a long time probably since his 20's and I love it so much, even more so now i've painted it. I am currently on the hunt for a nice bright cushion to place on it. I've already mentioned the mirror in my previous post. I made that bunting yesterday too with the fabric from the car boot.

This was my lunch today, I was desperate to use my new 50p plate and it was just a perfect photo opportunity :)

I think my next post is going to be about my Dolls House renovation so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Thanks so much reading, enjoy the rest of your Monday :) xXx

Saturday 6 September 2014

Thriftiest Girl In Town!

who loves a good old car boot?


This morning I got up bright and early to meet my mum for some serious bargain hunting! We go to the York Racecourse car boot sale when we can as it's most definitely the best in our area.

So a quick post today sharing my finds with you lovely people, i'm going to paint some of the pieces so will do an updated post when i've finished :)

I found this original Lloyd Loom chair which we bartered down to £25. I love the floral fabric on the cushion and when i've changed the gold to a nice neutral shade I think it will look so beautiful. 

I picked up the mirror shown above a few backs from the same car boot for £4, it's already had a new coat of paint :)

I always see these little shelves painted pretty colours on Instagram so when i found these for £2.50 I couldn't resist. 

This beautiful pastel blue and white jug was 85p!! Say WHAT!!

I'm not too sure why I bought these wooden flowers but they just called out to me at £1 for the pair, with a lick of paint they'll look cute :)

I'm afraid I have difficulty turning down an adorable floral plate for 50p!!

...And another! 

All these lovely fabric samples were £2 for the lot, I will plan a project and find a use for them! 

My mum also bought some lovely things including a dresser for her bedroom and a beautiful vintage bench for the garden :) 

It's rather addictive once you start...

Thanks so much for reading, have a lovely weekend xXx